Release International serves the persecuted church around the world in five key ways:
1 Showing God's compassion
providing for the needs of the families of martyrs and prisoners
2 Serving God's church
enabling them to survive persecution and its effects
3 Sharing God's love
helping the persecuted church win to Christ those who are opposed to the gospel
4 Spreading God's Word
supplying Bibles and literature to meet the need for growth and evangelism
5 Speaking as God's advocates
being the voice of the martyrs and the oppressed
1 Showing God's compassion
providing for the needs of the families of martyrs and prisoners
Every year thousands of Christians are detained and imprisoned for their faith in Jesus Christ. Some are even martyred. Where families have lost the breadwinner, Release gives pastoral care and practical support.
2 Serving God's church
enabling them to survive persecution and its effects
Release stands with churches and church leaders around the world who are being persecuted because of their faith in Jesus Christ: by directly supporting persecuted pastors and their families; and by providing leadership and theological training.
3 Sharing God's love
helping the persecuted church win to Christ those who are opposed to the gospel
The Bible tells us that the apostle Paul was once a persecutor of the early church - until God turned his life around - transforming him into a mighty preacher and church-planter. Release helps persecuted churches bring the good news of the gospel - even to those who persecute them.
4 Spreading God's Word
supplying Bibles and literature to meet the need for growth and evangelism
Release provides Bibles and Christian literature in local languages to build up the church, to encourage evangelism and disciple new believers in Christ.
5 Speaking as God's advocates
being the voice of the martyrs and the oppressed
Release helps to bring the voice of the persecuted church to fellowships in the UK and Ireland, and also to governments. We regularly ask supporters to campaign on behalf of persecuted Christians by writing letters and using petitions.
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