One of the most important skills to learn in order to succeed in your marriage is to "put love first." In other words, to have a good marriage, your spouse and your relationship has to be the absolute highest priority in your life--bar none. Answer the questions below �true� or �false� and see how you're doing. Compare your score with the assessment scale below.
True False
1. When my spouse phones, I almost always make time to talk.
2. If I�m with my spouse and someone else phones, I usually don�t take the call.
3. I speak to my spouse about non-logistical matters at least twice per day.
4. When something significant happens in my life, I almost always share it with my spouse first.
5. I initiate positive loving physical contact with my spouse at least twice each day.
6. When we go to a social function, I almost always spend at least half my time talking with my spouse.
7. When my spouse walks into the house, I almost always interrupt whatever I am doing to greet my spouse.
8. When I walk into the house, the first thing I usually do is greet my spouse.
9. I spend more time interacting with my spouse than I do watching TV.
10. I spend more time interacting with my spouse than anyone else in my life.
11. I usually interrupt whatever I am doing if my spouse wants my attention.
12. When I need someone to talk to, I almost always talk to my spouse.
13. I almost always recognize in a significant way my spouse�s birthday, our anniversary, and other special days.
14. My spouse and I go out alone together at least once per week.
15. My spouse and I go on vacation alone together at least once per year.
16. I have photographs of my spouse in my office, wallet, or gym locker.
17. I have at least one personal and meaningful discussion with my spouse per week for a minimum of twenty-five minutes.
18. I do unnecessary thoughtful things for my spouse regularly.
True False
1. When my spouse phones, I almost always make time to talk.
2. If I�m with my spouse and someone else phones, I usually don�t take the call.
3. I speak to my spouse about non-logistical matters at least twice per day.
4. When something significant happens in my life, I almost always share it with my spouse first.
5. I initiate positive loving physical contact with my spouse at least twice each day.
6. When we go to a social function, I almost always spend at least half my time talking with my spouse.
7. When my spouse walks into the house, I almost always interrupt whatever I am doing to greet my spouse.
8. When I walk into the house, the first thing I usually do is greet my spouse.
9. I spend more time interacting with my spouse than I do watching TV.
10. I spend more time interacting with my spouse than anyone else in my life.
11. I usually interrupt whatever I am doing if my spouse wants my attention.
12. When I need someone to talk to, I almost always talk to my spouse.
13. I almost always recognize in a significant way my spouse�s birthday, our anniversary, and other special days.
14. My spouse and I go out alone together at least once per week.
15. My spouse and I go on vacation alone together at least once per year.
16. I have photographs of my spouse in my office, wallet, or gym locker.
17. I have at least one personal and meaningful discussion with my spouse per week for a minimum of twenty-five minutes.
18. I do unnecessary thoughtful things for my spouse regularly.
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