Sunday, October 18, 2009


Bible-believing Christians are being pressured more and more to consider homosexual behavior as acceptable. Some are surprised and troubled to learn not only that their church approves of homosexuality, but also that one of their church leaders is active in the gay lifestyle.Church members who suspect this is happening are in a difficult position. First, they need to avoid spreading rumors, since gossip will only make the situation worse. At the same time, they should take proper steps to verify the assertion. One of those steps would be to talk with a church leader who is in a better position to investigate the matter in an orderly and appropriate manner ( 1 Timothy 5:19 ).If the information is true, a church member's decision to stay or leave depends on the church's response towards the leader's involvement in homosexual behavior. If the church authorities say that homosexuality is okay and that they have no problem with his involvement in the gay lifestyle, the concerned church member likely has no other option but to leave. To stay and support a church that approves of and promotes something that is biblically wrong and personally destructive would be difficult.For someone to leave a church under these circumstances would be difficult, but it doesn't prove the individual's lack of love for “gay” people. God cares for everyone, but He doesn't approve of everything we do. God never condones what goes against His created order, and neither should we.If, however, the church authorities are concerned about the leader's homosexual behavior and take immediate action to address it, then it's possible that a church member could stay in the church without appearing to condone immorality. The leader would be disqualified from church leadership, which is the case involving any form of sexually immoral behavior ( 1 Timothy 3:2 ). But the church member could remain and be part of a church family that lovingly confronts and supports the struggling brother in finding his way out of a confusing struggle and harmful lifestyle.

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