Sunday, September 21, 2014

8 Ways to Teach Compassion to Kids

Whenever I have the occasion to speak with professionals and parents about the challenges of bringing an end to bullying in schools and communities, I emphasize that "big" solutions -- such as policies, procedures, and trainings (I say, humbly, as a Bullying Prevention trainer) are trumped each and every day by the seemingly little, yet extraordinarily powerful, acts of compassion and kindness that adults show to the young people in their lives. In turn, experts agree that fostering compassion in young people is among the best ways to prevent verbal, physical, and emotional aggression from taking root. Below, I detail eight ways to help your child and/or student develop compassion both as a character trait and a behavioral style:

1. Walk the Talk
Children may listen to your words, but more importantly, they learn from observing your actions. When you have a chance to practice a random act of compassion, do so! When you are frustrated in an interpersonal interaction, express your displeasure in words that show respect for the dignity of the person you are addressing. When you encounter a person who needs help, stop what you are doing and tend to them, even (read: especially!) if it is not particularly convenient to do so. Remember: opportunities to show compassion do not occur by appointment. Show young people that anytime is the right time to engage in acts of service and compassion for others.
2. Put the Child on the Receiving End of Compassion
While showing compassion to others is a top way to teach this value to a child, allowing a young person to experience compassion first-hand is even more impactful. When your child is hurt or sick, be sure to provide abundant TLCC (tender, loving, compassionate care.) It may sound obvious, but tending to a child when he is feeling down or under the weather is the best way to teach him how to show compassion to others.
3. Talk the Talk
Most children can learn about true compassion by seeing and feeling this trait acted out, but when parents talk explicitly about acts of compassion, they communicate its importance as a prized family value. As you watch television or movies with your child, be sure to point out instances where compassion was shown -- or should have been shown! Talk about people who particularly need compassion, such as the elderly and children living in poverty.
4. Volunteer Your Time
When children become actively involved in acts of showing compassion to others, they learn about this value in a very deep and enduring way. Find age-appropriate ways to introduce your child to volunteering, such as visiting a nursing home and sharing a craft activity with a resident, serving a meal at a homeless shelter, helping to organize a canned food drive, collecting coats to donate to needy children, or even participating in a charity walk for a specific cause. These activities are at once meaningful and fun, which makes them especially effective in getting kids to routinely think compassionately about the needs of others.
5. Care for a Pet
Bringing a pet into a family is certainly not a step to be taken lightly or impulsively, but it is worth giving serious consideration to providing your young person with the experience of caring for an animal, as a way to foster compassion. Children who care for pets learn important values such as responsibility, unconditional love, empathy, and compassion for all living things.
6. Read All About It
Children's books are great for providing a window into the experiences of others. As a School Counselor, my go-to children's writer is Trudy Ludwig, the award-winning author of such books as My Secret Bully (my all-time favorite pick for sparking conversations with kids about bullying and relational aggression) and The Invisible Boy, a great read for inspiring empathy and compassion for young people who find themselves on the periphery of school social hierarchies. For older kids, check out biographies of famous figureheads of compassion, such as the Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa.
7. Compassion It™
In recent years, rubber wristbands have become a ubiquitous symbol of causes and concerns. While most of the messages are positive and inspiring, I must admit that their sheer common-ness resulted in me stopping reading the various messages on friends' wrists. Until recently. I noticed a two-tone band that a relative was turning over and felt compelled to ask about it. It was a Compassion It band, she explained. Every morning, she puts the band on her wrist with its black side facing outward, as a personal reminder to act compassionately toward someone else. When such an act is committed each day, she turns the bracelet to its white side.
What a great idea -- so simple, yet such a powerful reminder to prioritize kindness and make compassion a part of her everyday routine. Needless to say, I went online and bought a band for myself and one for each of my daughters right away. Does this turn compassion into a chore, you may ask. Am I making kindness into a To-Do list item for my kids, you wonder. Nope, not at all, I say with confidence. Quite the contrary: the bands have turned compassion into an everyday topic of conversation in our household and has effectively elevated kindness into a priority in each of our days. Best. Bracelet. Ever.
8. Make a Wish
Acts of life-changing compassion can be only a click away. Use the internet to introduce your child to different charitable organizations that provide compassionate assistance to others. The Make-a-Wish Foundation provides hope, strength, and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions. While for younger kids, the site may be too heart-wrenching or scary, older kids can have a truly impactful experience of being able to provide tangible help and joy to a peer. The experience can be life-changing for both giver and receiver.
Signe Whitson is a school counselor, author, and national speaker on topics related to stopping bullying and promoting children's mental health. For workshop inquiries or additional information, please visit

Sunday, January 19, 2014



And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.(Exodus 31:1-5)

Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology, Chapter 1
Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.
Most ‘men of God’ have expressed hot comments that “total devotion” to God, not worldly materials (in this case technological gadgets, know-how and pursuit of such insight) will gain one salvation beyond the borders of the existing life we live. Good point!!  However, before that afterlife, man must live, hustle to earn better standards and survive on this physical planet.
The ultimate Biblical allusion is the story of creation, where God “created man in His image.” That’s how the world itself began, according to roots of the Christian faith. The Bible begins with the Supreme Being arranging the world out of previous chaos. He doesn’t stop. He creates, He makes etc.
This is a simple question to all the doubting Thomas, “If we were made in the image of God and are to honorably imitate him and He (God) is a MAKER, aren’t we in some instances supposed to be little makers too?”
In this article, we’d explore one of the Bible’s most famous tales, a turn in history when one man became mankind’s last hope for survival. We’d analyze how people of such early times, ridden of modern resources, were able to narrowly escape the aquatic apocalypse of that moment.
For those who are not fully aware of this Christian Story, let’s take a look at the beginning, Genesis 6 of the Bible.
As one gospel singer rightfully sang “…we are the cause of our problems,” the situation was no different in Noah’s time, approximately thousands of years ago. The owner of the entire universe, God almighty, had seen the leering and shameful misdeeds of the people and desired to wipe the world of the entire generation.
The forced wrath of the world’s ubiquitous supreme authority was to flow in the form of a wild flood. Noah, a human being like us, only more righteous, was good enough to find favour in the eyes of God. God contacted him and told him of the coming catastrophe. However, the Lord proposed a rescue plan too. Noah was to construct a vessel to float above the waging floods. This was going to keep all those within its confines safe. God himself offered Noah the measurements of that vessel, first of its kind, a ship. Therefore it was an invention!!
Science in Basic English language is the acquisition of knowledge through concise observation and experimentation. Technology is simply applied science, meaning, knowledge in action for the betterment of a society or individuals in question. Also, to further shed light on the issue, technology is the hardcore solution of science to any societal problem. For instance, communication before the invention of the telephone, internet and telegraph was hard and almost impossible between most points on the planet.
The current availability of mobile phones and so much more intriguing gadgets was the answer technology had to give. Obviously, these electronic links have done more than curb the situation. It is also a known fact, that a good well-ventilated car with music beats riding a camel or horse to work.
The world as Noah knew it, was about to be washed away. He had to find something to do to save his loved ones, beyond preaching, prayer and fasting. He had to use the smart prescription given by God himself. He had to apply technology.
“(14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. (15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of; the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second and third stories shalt thou make it. (17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die (Simple KJV)”.That was the word of God.
The ‘ship’ was made of wood. We read also that this wood material for making both the interior and outer part of the ark, was covered in pitch (a kind of tar). The ark was three stories high with only one door. Plus ,the dimensions were three hundred cubits long by fifty cubits wide by thirty cubits high (Gen. 6:15), which equates to approximately 450 feet long, by 75 feet wide, by 45 feet high.
Fact, no ship of such great dimensions was ever built till the late 19th century.
As old-fashioned as the technology was, the ark (first ship) was able to continuously stay afloat the hoarse waves of the raging floods.
Save for Noah, his sons and their wives, the entire planet was positively erased in the brutal storms and rain that lasted for forty days. Even animals were not spared the doom. The ark was large enough to even sustain life of two of every animal species.
The world’s “Best Bible scholars” are still debating the possibility of getting the two of every species of animals into a single ark with the remnants of mankind.
Since this is a discussion of religion and technology, we will not go into such debates.
One must admit that the Living God has always marveled greatest of our kinds. However, one thing remains clear; an ark set sail above a ragingly destroying world. In it were eight people, the last of mankind at the time. This same ship contained the final hope of animals of that generation. Humanity would have ceased to exist had the ark not been made. The result of the vessel was not an act of magic. It was the procedure of applying God-given knowledge (technology) and staying true to belief in HIM (Religion).
The works of Apostle Dr Kwadow Safo is not an extra-curricular activity outside the Bible.  He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God-given knowledge (technology) to the redemption of Africa.
- See more at:
Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology, Chapter 1
Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.
Most ‘men of God’ have expressed hot comments that “total devotion” to God, not worldly materials (in this case technological gadgets, know-how and pursuit of such insight) will gain one salvation beyond the borders of the existing life we live. Good point!!  However, before that afterlife, man must live, hustle to earn better standards and survive on this physical planet.
The ultimate Biblical allusion is the story of creation, where God “created man in His image.” That’s how the world itself began, according to roots of the Christian faith. The Bible begins with the Supreme Being arranging the world out of previous chaos. He doesn’t stop. He creates, He makes etc.
This is a simple question to all the doubting Thomas, “If we were made in the image of God and are to honorably imitate him and He (God) is a MAKER, aren’t we in some instances supposed to be little makers too?”
In this article, we’d explore one of the Bible’s most famous tales, a turn in history when one man became mankind’s last hope for survival. We’d analyze how people of such early times, ridden of modern resources, were able to narrowly escape the aquatic apocalypse of that moment.
For those who are not fully aware of this Christian Story, let’s take a look at the beginning, Genesis 6 of the Bible.
As one gospel singer rightfully sang “…we are the cause of our problems,” the situation was no different in Noah’s time, approximately thousands of years ago. The owner of the entire universe, God almighty, had seen the leering and shameful misdeeds of the people and desired to wipe the world of the entire generation.
The forced wrath of the world’s ubiquitous supreme authority was to flow in the form of a wild flood. Noah, a human being like us, only more righteous, was good enough to find favour in the eyes of God. God contacted him and told him of the coming catastrophe. However, the Lord proposed a rescue plan too. Noah was to construct a vessel to float above the waging floods. This was going to keep all those within its confines safe. God himself offered Noah the measurements of that vessel, first of its kind, a ship. Therefore it was an invention!!
Science in Basic English language is the acquisition of knowledge through concise observation and experimentation. Technology is simply applied science, meaning, knowledge in action for the betterment of a society or individuals in question. Also, to further shed light on the issue, technology is the hardcore solution of science to any societal problem. For instance, communication before the invention of the telephone, internet and telegraph was hard and almost impossible between most points on the planet.
The current availability of mobile phones and so much more intriguing gadgets was the answer technology had to give. Obviously, these electronic links have done more than curb the situation. It is also a known fact, that a good well-ventilated car with music beats riding a camel or horse to work.
The world as Noah knew it, was about to be washed away. He had to find something to do to save his loved ones, beyond preaching, prayer and fasting. He had to use the smart prescription given by God himself. He had to apply technology.
“(14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. (15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of; the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second and third stories shalt thou make it. (17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die (Simple KJV)”.That was the word of God.
The ‘ship’ was made of wood. We read also that this wood material for making both the interior and outer part of the ark, was covered in pitch (a kind of tar). The ark was three stories high with only one door. Plus ,the dimensions were three hundred cubits long by fifty cubits wide by thirty cubits high (Gen. 6:15), which equates to approximately 450 feet long, by 75 feet wide, by 45 feet high.
Fact, no ship of such great dimensions was ever built till the late 19th century.
As old-fashioned as the technology was, the ark (first ship) was able to continuously stay afloat the hoarse waves of the raging floods.
Save for Noah, his sons and their wives, the entire planet was positively erased in the brutal storms and rain that lasted for forty days. Even animals were not spared the doom. The ark was large enough to even sustain life of two of every animal species.
The world’s “Best Bible scholars” are still debating the possibility of getting the two of every species of animals into a single ark with the remnants of mankind.
Since this is a discussion of religion and technology, we will not go into such debates.
One must admit that the Living God has always marveled greatest of our kinds. However, one thing remains clear; an ark set sail above a ragingly destroying world. In it were eight people, the last of mankind at the time. This same ship contained the final hope of animals of that generation. Humanity would have ceased to exist had the ark not been made. The result of the vessel was not an act of magic. It was the procedure of applying God-given knowledge (technology) and staying true to belief in HIM (Religion).
The works of Apostle Dr Kwadow Safo is not an extra-curricular activity outside the Bible.  He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God-given knowledge (technology) to the redemption of Africa.
- See more at:
Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology, Chapter 1
Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.
Most ‘men of God’ have expressed hot comments that “total devotion” to God, not worldly materials (in this case technological gadgets, know-how and pursuit of such insight) will gain one salvation beyond the borders of the existing life we live. Good point!!  However, before that afterlife, man must live, hustle to earn better standards and survive on this physical planet.
The ultimate Biblical allusion is the story of creation, where God “created man in His image.” That’s how the world itself began, according to roots of the Christian faith. The Bible begins with the Supreme Being arranging the world out of previous chaos. He doesn’t stop. He creates, He makes etc.
This is a simple question to all the doubting Thomas, “If we were made in the image of God and are to honorably imitate him and He (God) is a MAKER, aren’t we in some instances supposed to be little makers too?”
In this article, we’d explore one of the Bible’s most famous tales, a turn in history when one man became mankind’s last hope for survival. We’d analyze how people of such early times, ridden of modern resources, were able to narrowly escape the aquatic apocalypse of that moment.
For those who are not fully aware of this Christian Story, let’s take a look at the beginning, Genesis 6 of the Bible.
As one gospel singer rightfully sang “…we are the cause of our problems,” the situation was no different in Noah’s time, approximately thousands of years ago. The owner of the entire universe, God almighty, had seen the leering and shameful misdeeds of the people and desired to wipe the world of the entire generation.
The forced wrath of the world’s ubiquitous supreme authority was to flow in the form of a wild flood. Noah, a human being like us, only more righteous, was good enough to find favour in the eyes of God. God contacted him and told him of the coming catastrophe. However, the Lord proposed a rescue plan too. Noah was to construct a vessel to float above the waging floods. This was going to keep all those within its confines safe. God himself offered Noah the measurements of that vessel, first of its kind, a ship. Therefore it was an invention!!
Science in Basic English language is the acquisition of knowledge through concise observation and experimentation. Technology is simply applied science, meaning, knowledge in action for the betterment of a society or individuals in question. Also, to further shed light on the issue, technology is the hardcore solution of science to any societal problem. For instance, communication before the invention of the telephone, internet and telegraph was hard and almost impossible between most points on the planet.
The current availability of mobile phones and so much more intriguing gadgets was the answer technology had to give. Obviously, these electronic links have done more than curb the situation. It is also a known fact, that a good well-ventilated car with music beats riding a camel or horse to work.
The world as Noah knew it, was about to be washed away. He had to find something to do to save his loved ones, beyond preaching, prayer and fasting. He had to use the smart prescription given by God himself. He had to apply technology.
“(14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. (15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of; the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second and third stories shalt thou make it. (17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die (Simple KJV)”.That was the word of God.
The ‘ship’ was made of wood. We read also that this wood material for making both the interior and outer part of the ark, was covered in pitch (a kind of tar). The ark was three stories high with only one door. Plus ,the dimensions were three hundred cubits long by fifty cubits wide by thirty cubits high (Gen. 6:15), which equates to approximately 450 feet long, by 75 feet wide, by 45 feet high.
Fact, no ship of such great dimensions was ever built till the late 19th century.
As old-fashioned as the technology was, the ark (first ship) was able to continuously stay afloat the hoarse waves of the raging floods.
Save for Noah, his sons and their wives, the entire planet was positively erased in the brutal storms and rain that lasted for forty days. Even animals were not spared the doom. The ark was large enough to even sustain life of two of every animal species.
The world’s “Best Bible scholars” are still debating the possibility of getting the two of every species of animals into a single ark with the remnants of mankind.
Since this is a discussion of religion and technology, we will not go into such debates.
One must admit that the Living God has always marveled greatest of our kinds. However, one thing remains clear; an ark set sail above a ragingly destroying world. In it were eight people, the last of mankind at the time. This same ship contained the final hope of animals of that generation. Humanity would have ceased to exist had the ark not been made. The result of the vessel was not an act of magic. It was the procedure of applying God-given knowledge (technology) and staying true to belief in HIM (Religion).
The works of Apostle Dr Kwadow Safo is not an extra-curricular activity outside the Bible.  He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God-given knowledge (technology) to the redemption of Africa.
- See more at:

Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology.    

Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.

Most ‘men of God’ have expressed hot comments that “total devotion” to God, not worldly materials (in this case technological gadgets, know-how and pursuit of such insight) will gain one salvation beyond the borders of the existing life we live. Good point!!  However, before that afterlife, man must live, hustle to earn better standards and survive on this physical planet.

The ultimate Biblical allusion is the story of creation, where God “created man in His image.” That’s how the world itself began, according to roots of the Christian faith. The Bible begins with the Supreme Being arranging the world out of previous chaos. He doesn’t stop. He creates, He makes etc.
This is a simple question to all the doubting Thomas, “If we were made in the image of God and are to honorably imitate him and He (God) is a MAKER, aren’t we in some instances supposed to be little makers too?”

In this article, we’d explore one of the Bible’s most famous tales, a turn in history when one man became mankind’s last hope for survival. We’d analyze how people of such early times, ridden of modern resources, were able to narrowly escape the aquatic apocalypse of that moment.
For those who are not fully aware of this Christian Story, let’s take a look at the beginning, Genesis 6 of the Bible.

As one gospel singer rightfully sang “…we are the cause of our problems,” the situation was no different in Noah’s time, approximately thousands of years ago. The owner of the entire universe, God almighty, had seen the leering and shameful misdeeds of the people and desired to wipe the world of the entire generation.
The forced wrath of the world’s ubiquitous supreme authority was to flow in the form of a wild flood. Noah, a human being like us, only more righteous, was good enough to find favour in the eyes of God. God contacted him and told him of the coming catastrophe. However, the Lord proposed a rescue plan too. 

Noah was to construct a vessel to float above the waging floods. This was going to keep all those within its confines safe. God himself offered Noah the measurements of that vessel, first of its kind, a ship. Therefore it was an invention!!

Science in Basic English language is the acquisition of knowledge through concise observation and experimentation. Technology is simply applied science, meaning, knowledge in action for the betterment of a society or individuals in question. Also, to further shed light on the issue, technology is the hardcore solution of science to any societal problem. For instance, communication before the invention of the telephone, internet and telegraph was hard and almost impossible between most points on the planet.

The current availability of mobile phones and so much more intriguing gadgets was the answer technology had to give. Obviously, these electronic links have done more than curb the situation. It is also a known fact, that a good well-ventilated car with music beats riding a camel or horse to work.

The world as Noah knew it, was about to be washed away. He had to find something to do to save his loved ones, beyond preaching, prayer and fasting. He had to use the smart prescription given by God himself. He had to apply technology.

“(14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. (15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of; the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second and third stories shalt thou make it. (17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die (Simple KJV)”.That was the word of God.

The ‘ship’ was made of wood. We read also that this wood material for making both the interior and outer part of the ark, was covered in pitch (a kind of tar). The ark was three stories high with only one door. Plus ,the dimensions were three hundred cubits long by fifty cubits wide by thirty cubits high (Gen. 6:15), which equates to approximately 450 feet long, by 75 feet wide, by 45 feet high.

Fact, no ship of such great dimensions was ever built till the late 19th century.
As old-fashioned as the technology was, the ark (first ship) was able to continuously stay afloat the hoarse waves of the raging floods.

Save for Noah, his sons and their wives, the entire planet was positively erased in the brutal storms and rain that lasted for forty days. Even animals were not spared the doom. The ark was large enough to even sustain life of two of every animal species.

The world’s “Best Bible scholars” are still debating the possibility of getting the two of every species of animals into a single ark with the remnants of mankind.
Since this is a discussion of religion and technology, we will not go into such debates.

One must admit that the Living God has always marveled greatest of our kinds. However, one thing remains clear; an ark set sail above a ragingly destroying world. In it were eight people, the last of mankind at the time. This same ship contained the final hope of animals of that generation. Humanity would have ceased to exist had the ark not been made. The result of the vessel was not an act of magic. It was the procedure of applying God-given knowledge (technology) and staying true to belief in HIM (Religion).

The works of Apostle Dr Kwadow Safo is not an extra-curricular activity outside the Bible.  He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God-given knowledge (technology) to the redemption of Africa.

Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology, Chapter 1
Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.
Most ‘men of God’ have expressed hot comments that “total devotion” to God, not worldly materials (in this case technological gadgets, know-how and pursuit of such insight) will gain one salvation beyond the borders of the existing life we live. Good point!!  However, before that afterlife, man must live, hustle to earn better standards and survive on this physical planet.
The ultimate Biblical allusion is the story of creation, where God “created man in His image.” That’s how the world itself began, according to roots of the Christian faith. The Bible begins with the Supreme Being arranging the world out of previous chaos. He doesn’t stop. He creates, He makes etc.
This is a simple question to all the doubting Thomas, “If we were made in the image of God and are to honorably imitate him and He (God) is a MAKER, aren’t we in some instances supposed to be little makers too?”
In this article, we’d explore one of the Bible’s most famous tales, a turn in history when one man became mankind’s last hope for survival. We’d analyze how people of such early times, ridden of modern resources, were able to narrowly escape the aquatic apocalypse of that moment.
For those who are not fully aware of this Christian Story, let’s take a look at the beginning, Genesis 6 of the Bible.
As one gospel singer rightfully sang “…we are the cause of our problems,” the situation was no different in Noah’s time, approximately thousands of years ago. The owner of the entire universe, God almighty, had seen the leering and shameful misdeeds of the people and desired to wipe the world of the entire generation.
The forced wrath of the world’s ubiquitous supreme authority was to flow in the form of a wild flood. Noah, a human being like us, only more righteous, was good enough to find favour in the eyes of God. God contacted him and told him of the coming catastrophe. However, the Lord proposed a rescue plan too. Noah was to construct a vessel to float above the waging floods. This was going to keep all those within its confines safe. God himself offered Noah the measurements of that vessel, first of its kind, a ship. Therefore it was an invention!!
Science in Basic English language is the acquisition of knowledge through concise observation and experimentation. Technology is simply applied science, meaning, knowledge in action for the betterment of a society or individuals in question. Also, to further shed light on the issue, technology is the hardcore solution of science to any societal problem. For instance, communication before the invention of the telephone, internet and telegraph was hard and almost impossible between most points on the planet.
The current availability of mobile phones and so much more intriguing gadgets was the answer technology had to give. Obviously, these electronic links have done more than curb the situation. It is also a known fact, that a good well-ventilated car with music beats riding a camel or horse to work.
The world as Noah knew it, was about to be washed away. He had to find something to do to save his loved ones, beyond preaching, prayer and fasting. He had to use the smart prescription given by God himself. He had to apply technology.
“(14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. (15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of; the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second and third stories shalt thou make it. (17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die (Simple KJV)”.That was the word of God.
The ‘ship’ was made of wood. We read also that this wood material for making both the interior and outer part of the ark, was covered in pitch (a kind of tar). The ark was three stories high with only one door. Plus ,the dimensions were three hundred cubits long by fifty cubits wide by thirty cubits high (Gen. 6:15), which equates to approximately 450 feet long, by 75 feet wide, by 45 feet high.
Fact, no ship of such great dimensions was ever built till the late 19th century.
As old-fashioned as the technology was, the ark (first ship) was able to continuously stay afloat the hoarse waves of the raging floods.
Save for Noah, his sons and their wives, the entire planet was positively erased in the brutal storms and rain that lasted for forty days. Even animals were not spared the doom. The ark was large enough to even sustain life of two of every animal species.
The world’s “Best Bible scholars” are still debating the possibility of getting the two of every species of animals into a single ark with the remnants of mankind.
Since this is a discussion of religion and technology, we will not go into such debates.
One must admit that the Living God has always marveled greatest of our kinds. However, one thing remains clear; an ark set sail above a ragingly destroying world. In it were eight people, the last of mankind at the time. This same ship contained the final hope of animals of that generation. Humanity would have ceased to exist had the ark not been made. The result of the vessel was not an act of magic. It was the procedure of applying God-given knowledge (technology) and staying true to belief in HIM (Religion).
The works of Apostle Dr Kwadow Safo is not an extra-curricular activity outside the Bible.  He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God-given knowledge (technology) to the redemption of Africa.
- See more at:
Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology, Chapter 1
Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.
- See more at:
Exploring the Link between Religion and Technology, Chapter 1
Technology has sparked quite a debate as long as contemporary worship is concerned. The blend between religion and technology is perceived lumpy, especially by a portion of the Christian faith. As to whether the Holy Book supports or agrees on the applied trends of Science, one would obviously have to extract answers from the primary source.
Most ‘men of God’ have expressed hot comments that “total devotion” to God, not worldly materials (in this case technological gadgets, know-how and pursuit of such insight) will gain one salvation beyond the borders of the existing life we live. Good point!!  However, before that afterlife, man must live, hustle to earn better standards and survive on this physical planet.
The ultimate Biblical allusion is the story of creation, where God “created man in His image.” That’s how the world itself began, according to roots of the Christian faith. The Bible begins with the Supreme Being arranging the world out of previous chaos. He doesn’t stop. He creates, He makes etc.
This is a simple question to all the doubting Thomas, “If we were made in the image of God and are to honorably imitate him and He (God) is a MAKER, aren’t we in some instances supposed to be little makers too?”
In this article, we’d explore one of the Bible’s most famous tales, a turn in history when one man became mankind’s last hope for survival. We’d analyze how people of such early times, ridden of modern resources, were able to narrowly escape the aquatic apocalypse of that moment.
For those who are not fully aware of this Christian Story, let’s take a look at the beginning, Genesis 6 of the Bible.
As one gospel singer rightfully sang “…we are the cause of our problems,” the situation was no different in Noah’s time, approximately thousands of years ago. The owner of the entire universe, God almighty, had seen the leering and shameful misdeeds of the people and desired to wipe the world of the entire generation.
The forced wrath of the world’s ubiquitous supreme authority was to flow in the form of a wild flood. Noah, a human being like us, only more righteous, was good enough to find favour in the eyes of God. God contacted him and told him of the coming catastrophe. However, the Lord proposed a rescue plan too. Noah was to construct a vessel to float above the waging floods. This was going to keep all those within its confines safe. God himself offered Noah the measurements of that vessel, first of its kind, a ship. Therefore it was an invention!!
Science in Basic English language is the acquisition of knowledge through concise observation and experimentation. Technology is simply applied science, meaning, knowledge in action for the betterment of a society or individuals in question. Also, to further shed light on the issue, technology is the hardcore solution of science to any societal problem. For instance, communication before the invention of the telephone, internet and telegraph was hard and almost impossible between most points on the planet.
The current availability of mobile phones and so much more intriguing gadgets was the answer technology had to give. Obviously, these electronic links have done more than curb the situation. It is also a known fact, that a good well-ventilated car with music beats riding a camel or horse to work.
The world as Noah knew it, was about to be washed away. He had to find something to do to save his loved ones, beyond preaching, prayer and fasting. He had to use the smart prescription given by God himself. He had to apply technology.
“(14) Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. (15) And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of; the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. (16) A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second and third stories shalt thou make it. (17) And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die (Simple KJV)”.That was the word of God.
The ‘ship’ was made of wood. We read also that this wood material for making both the interior and outer part of the ark, was covered in pitch (a kind of tar). The ark was three stories high with only one door. Plus ,the dimensions were three hundred cubits long by fifty cubits wide by thirty cubits high (Gen. 6:15), which equates to approximately 450 feet long, by 75 feet wide, by 45 feet high.
Fact, no ship of such great dimensions was ever built till the late 19th century.
As old-fashioned as the technology was, the ark (first ship) was able to continuously stay afloat the hoarse waves of the raging floods.
Save for Noah, his sons and their wives, the entire planet was positively erased in the brutal storms and rain that lasted for forty days. Even animals were not spared the doom. The ark was large enough to even sustain life of two of every animal species.
The world’s “Best Bible scholars” are still debating the possibility of getting the two of every species of animals into a single ark with the remnants of mankind.
Since this is a discussion of religion and technology, we will not go into such debates.
One must admit that the Living God has always marveled greatest of our kinds. However, one thing remains clear; an ark set sail above a ragingly destroying world. In it were eight people, the last of mankind at the time. This same ship contained the final hope of animals of that generation. Humanity would have ceased to exist had the ark not been made. The result of the vessel was not an act of magic. It was the procedure of applying God-given knowledge (technology) and staying true to belief in HIM (Religion).
The works of Apostle Dr Kwadow Safo is not an extra-curricular activity outside the Bible.  He truly believes in God (Religion) and is applying God-given knowledge (technology) to the redemption of Africa.
- See more at:

Friday, January 3, 2014



Tada was born in 1949 in Baltimore, Maryland, the youngest of four daughters.
As a teenager, Tada enjoyed riding horses, hiking, tennis, and swimming. On July 30, 1967, she dove into Chesapeake Bay after misjudging the shallowness of the water. She suffered a fracture between the fourth and fifth cervical levels and became a quadriplegic, paralysed from the shoulders down.
During her two years of rehabilitation, according to her autobiography, she experienced anger, depression, suicidal thoughts, and religious doubts. However, Tada learned to paint with a brush between her teeth, and began selling her artwork. To date, she has written over forty books, recorded several musical albums, starred in an autobiographical movie of her life, and is an advocate for disabled people.[1]
Tada wrote of her experiences in her 1976 international best-selling autobiography, Joni, The unforgettable story of a young woman's struggle against quadriplegia & depression, which has been distributed in many languages. The book was made into a 1979 feature film of the same name, starring herself. Her second book, A Step Further, was released in 1978.
She married Ken Tada in 1982. In 2010, she announced that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She emerged successfully from cancer surgery and is hopeful of a positive prognosis.
Ministry and public life
Tada founded Joni and Friends (JAF) in 1979, an organization for Christian ministry in the disabled community throughout the world. In 2006 the Joni and Friends International Disability Centre in Agoura California was established.[citation needed]
Led by Tada and Doug Mazza, the Joni and Friends International Disability Center has four programs. Joni and Friends, a daily five minute radio program, heard in over 1,000 broadcast outlets. In 2002 it received the “Radio Program of the Year” award from National Religious Broadcasters. The Wounded Warrior program offers family retreats. Wheels for the World collects wheelchairs, which are refurbished by prison inmates and donated to people in developing nations where, physical therapists fit each chair to a needy disabled child or adult.
In 2005, Tada was appointed to the Disability Advisory Committee of the U.S. State Department.
Tada is a conference speaker. Her articles have been published in Christianity Today, Today’s Christian Woman, The War Cry (Salvation Army), and newspapers around the world. Tada has appeared four times on Larry King Live.
In November 2009, Tada signed an ecumenical statement known as the Manhattan Declaration calling on evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox Christians to work towards changing laws which permit abortion, and other matters that go against their religious consciences.[2]
Tada has received The American Academy of Achievement's Golden Plate Award; The Courage Award from the Courage Rehabilitation Center; The Award of Excellence from the Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center; The Victory Award from the National Rehabilitation Hospital; The Golden Word Award from the International Bible Society. She is inducted into the Christian Booksellers’ Association’s Hall of Honor. In 2002, Tada received the William Ward Ayer Award for excellence from the National Religious Broadcasters’ Association. In 2003 she was given the Gold Medallion Award for her book When God Weeps. In 2004 she was awarded the Gold Medallion Award for co-authoring Hymns for a Kid’s Heart, Volume 1.
Tada was given the Gold Medallion Lifetime Achievement Award in 2003 by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. She was also named "Churchwoman of the Year" in 1993 by the Religious Heritage Foundation and was the first woman to be honored by the National Association of Evangelicals as their "Layperson of the Year." In 2009, Tada was inducted into Indiana Wesleyan University's Society of World Changers.[3]
She also holds the following degrees:
On April 1, 2009, Tada was inducted into the Indiana Wesleyan University Society of World Changers and was presented with an honorary doctorate while speaking at the university.[4]
Tada is the author of over 48 books on the subjects of disability and Christianity. Several of them have been children's books, including Tell Me The Promises, which received the Evangelical Publishers’ Association’s Gold Medallion and Silver Medal in the 1997 C.S. Lewis Awards, and Tell Me The Truth, which received the EPCA Gold Medallion in 1998.
The life story of Tada was used by Czech composer Ivan Kurz in his opera Večerní shromáždění ketho (Evening Divine service).[5]
  • 1976: Joni
  • 1978: A Step Further
  • 1986: Choices...Changes
  • 1987: Friendship Unlimited: How You Can Help a Disabled Friend
  • 1988: Secret Strength: For Those Who Search
  • 1989: Glorious Intruder: God's Presence in Life's Chaos[6]
  • 1990: A Christmas Longing
  • 1990: Pursued
  • 1991: Seeking God (Reflections)
  • 1991: A Step Further: Growing Closer to God Through Hurt & Friendship
  • 1992: All God's Children: Guide to Enabling the Disabled
  • 1993: When Is It Right To Die?: Euthanasia on Trial
  • 1993: Diamonds in the Dust
  • 1995: The Life and Death Dilemma
  • 1994: A Quiet Place in a Crazy World
  • 1995: Heaven: Your Real Home
  • 1996: Tell Me the Promises: A Family Covenant for Eternity[7]
  • 1997: When God Weeps
  • 1997: Tell Me the Truth: God's Eternal Truth for Families[8]
  • 1997: Barrier Free Friendships
  • 1998: More Precious Than Silver:366 Daily Devotional Readings
  • 1998: I'll Be With You Always
  • 1999: Holiness in Hidden Place
  • 1999: Prayers from a Child's Heart
  • 1999: Heaven: What Will It Be Like
  • 1999: Acres of Hope: The Miraculous Story of One Families Gift of Love to Children Without Hope
  • 2001: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Faith
  • 2001: NIV Encouragement Bible
  • 2002: God's Precious Love
  • 2002: God's Tender Care
  • 2002: On the Wings of the West Wind
  • 2003: The Hand That Paints The Sky: Delighting in the Creator's Canvas
  • 2003: The God I Love: A Lifetime of Walking with Jesus
  • 2003: Hymns for a Kid's Heart Vol. 1
  • 2004: Hymns for a Kid's Heart Vol. 2
  • 2004: Christmas Carols for a Kid's Heart (Hymns for a Kid's Heart Vol. 3)
  • 2004: Passion Hymns for a Kid's Heart (Hymns for a Kid's Heart Vol. 4)
  • 2005: 31 Days Toward Intimacy with God
  • 2005: A Fathers Touch
  • 2006: Pearls of Great Price
  • 2006: How To Be A Christian in a Brave New World
  • 2006: 31 Days to Overcoming Adversity
  • 2007: 31 Days Toward Passionate Faith
  • 2008: Hope...the Best of Things
  • 2009: A Lifetime of Wisdom
  • 2010: Life in the Balance
  • 2010: Finding God in Hidden Places
  • 2010: Place of Healing
  • 1981: Joni's Song
  • 1982: Spirit Wings
  • 1985: I've Got Wheels (with "Joni's Kids")
  • 1990: Let God Be God
  • 1994: Harps & Halos: Songs About Heaven
  • 2001: Joni: An Unforgettable Story [*Audio-Book*]
  • 1979: Joni (feature film)
  • 1981: Reflections of His Love
  • 1992: The Journey
  • 2001: Heaven:Our Eternal Home
  • 2007–09: Joni and Friends (TV series)
  • 2009: The Terri Schiavo Story
  • 2009: When Robin Prays
5.      ^ [1][dead link]