Sunday, December 27, 2009

Paint Brush

Bettie B. Young

I keep my paint brush with me
wherever I may go,
in case I need to cover up,
So the real me doesn't show.

I'm so afraid to show you me,
afraid of what you'll do,
that you may laugh or say mean things,
I'm afraid I might lose you.

I'd like to remove all my paint coats
to show you the real, true me,
But I want you to try and understand,
I need you to accept what you see.

So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll strip off all my coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
to let the real me show.

Now my coats are all stripped off,
I feel naked, bare and cold.
And if you still love me with all that you see,
 you are my friend, pure as gold.

I need to save my paint brush, though,
and hold it in my hand.
I want to keep it handy
in case somebody doesn't understand.

So please protect me, my dear friend
and thanks for loving me true.
But please let me keep my paint brush with me
Until I love me, too.

Bettie B Young

Artwork © Jim Warren

Saturday, December 26, 2009


It is the letting go of all the
should's, the must's, the have-to's,
the have-nots, the cannots,
the doubts and the guilt.

It is allowing your thoughts to come forth -
without judgement.

It is allowing yourself to feel -
without judgement.

It is allowing yourself to do what you want -
without judgement.

It is allowing yourself to be who you are -
without judgement.

When you allow yourself to be,
You find
Peace, Freedom, Love and Joy
Within you.

Author Unknown

Graphics by Angels Design

To My Higher Self

To My Higher Self

I bless my Higher Self and ask that
the way be made clear for
the Divine Plan of my life
now to come to pass.

For me to fill the place
that only I can fill
and no-one else can fill.

For me to do the work
and the things that only I can do.

I ask that all doors now
be made open
and all channels free for endless
avalanches of abundance
 to be poured upon me
from unexpected sources.

I ask that all the above come to pass
immediately, Under Grace
and in a perfect way.

Thanks be to God.

If you wish to reproduce this affirmation, written permission must first be requested.

Artwork by Daniel Holman

Be Inspired

Be Inspired

 May you be inspired today...

May you be encouraged to travel your path
with sure feet, confident in your direction.

May you be spurred on to explore,
to face the challenge, to go to the next level.

May you experience many moments
when you want to stand up and shout, “Hazzah! How grand this life is and I want more of it!”

May you fall asleep exhausted
but giddy with anticipation for what is to come,
as though you cannot wait until the morning to continue the adventure,
to see what glorious miracles are going to occur.

And finally, may you realize your power to create such a day
and such a life for yourself for you truly do possess it.

Have an exciting day!

From the Book A Candle at Both Ends by Tiffany Prochera
Copyright 2005, Tiffany Prochera.
Reproduced here with permission

More from Tiffany Prochera:
Redefining Human



Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater
and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble,
it's a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Author - Max Ehrmann (1872 - 1945)

About this poem:
Desiderata was apparently written between 1906 & 1920 by Max Ehrmann (1872-1945) who copyrighted the piece in 1927.

The confusion about authorship of this poem is due to its distribution by Reverend Frederick Kates within a collection of works for his congregation in 1959. The church notepaper was headed "The Old St Paul's Church, Baltimore, AD 1692". As the poem became more widely circulated, it came to be assumeded that the poem originated in this old church which was founded in 1692.

Divine Mantra A Prayer To The Universe

Divine Mantra
A Prayer To The Universe

Oh Divine Universe,
gather together to form
one great ball of light
and allow it to come forth
with my Divinity.

Let the power surge of energy
enter my center core
and rejuvenate all that is ailing.
That which I can see and feel
and that which I cannot.
Let it mend cell by cell,
getting rid of what is toxic
to my human form and its tissue.

Let each beam of energy
run fierce through my veins
and purify them,
exiting out of each digit
on my hands and feet.
Let it shine out
through the top of my crown
to the limitless sky.

Allow recharging energy
to my center core.
Out with the toxic,
in with Divine Energy...

Oh Divine Energy,
my soul is open to you...
come and sit in my core,
Let rings of bright golden light
circle my feet, hands, limbs body,
neck and head.
Over and over from the center core
and outward,
from feet to crown.

Out with the toxic,
in with the healing Divine Energy.
breathing slowly.

Oh Goddess,
wrap me in your Divinity
and warm glow.

Mother Nature,
grab hold of my ankles
and keep me grounded.

May the trees keep me balanced and steady
and the sky, day or night humble, and dreamy.


reaching up to the sky,
feet firmly on the ground.
feeling the warm glow on my head,
I am whole.
A part of the sky,
the stars,
the heavens of far away
and a part of the ground,
its grasses trees and roots.
A part of all living things
All that is breathing.
All energy.

Dear Divinity of Life,
gather a force so strong
I will feel a glow
of that which you send.
Surround my human "being",
help me with consciousness.

Oh Divine Energy,
my soul is open to you...
come and sit in my core.

~ by Halijo Webster ~

© 2005 Halijo Webster, poet, singer & human rights supporter.
Reproduced here with collaboration between Halijo Webster & Pearls of Wisdom
This poem may not be reproduced without permission from the author.

A Cleansing Blessing

I cleanse myself of all
selfishness, resentment, critical feelings for my fellow beings,
self-condemnation, and
misinterpretation of my life experiences

I bathe myself in
generosity, appreciation, praise and gratitude for my fellow beings,
self-acceptance, and
enlightened understanding of my life experiences.

Author Unknown

Unconditional Love, Love Without Condition

Unconditional Love, Love Without Condition

I love you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world.

I honour your choices to learn in the way you feel is right for you.

I know it is important that you are the person you want to be and not someone that I or others think you "should" be. I realise that I cannot know what is best for you, although perhaps sometimes I think I do.

I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle you have. I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need.

I allow you to be in the world without a thought or word of judgement from me about the deeds you undertake. I see no error in the things you say and do. In this place where I am, I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I allow without reservation the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this, for if I would deny your right to your evolution, then I would deny that right for myself and all others.

 To those who would choose a way I cannot walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to this way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so I shall be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

I allow you the Universal right of Free Will to walk your own path, creating steps or to sit awhile if that is what is right for you. I will make no judgement that these steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for this is just my viewpoint. I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy and yet it may be that you bring great healing as you stand blessed by the Light of God. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order.

 For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution and with great Love I acknowledge your right to determine your future. In humility I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean it is also right for you. I know that you are led as I am, following the inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefit and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that Love and Wisdom back to the whole. I know that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will not only love you if you behave in a way I think you should, or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different place and believe in another God than I.

 The love I feel is for all of God's world. I know that every living thing is a part of God and I feel a Love deep within for every person, animal, tree and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all the creatures in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in the perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier in the joy of ...

Unconditional Love

by Sandy Stevenson

Artwork by Gilbert Williams

Twelfth Meditation - I Am God

Twelfth Meditation - I Am God

I turn away from the world about me to the world of consciousness that lies within.

I shut out all memories of the past, create no images of the future. I concentrate on my being, on my awareness. I slide deep into the very recesses of my soul to a place of utter repose.

Here I perceive fact in the making, am conscious of the one being from which all beings spring. I know that this is immortal Self, this is God, this is me.
I am, I always was. I always will be.

All men, all things, all space and time and life are here in the depths of my soul. Smaller than small, greater than great meet and unite in me.

That which I thought I was, ego, I never was at all, for it was a changing thing, mirroring the seasons and the tides, a thing to be born and grow and die. I am not a thing of time or circumstance. I am spirit, pure and eternal, birthless, deathless and changeless.

I am patient, for I am all time.
I am wise, for I contain the knowledge of all things.
I know not pain, for I see there is no beginning and no end, and who suffers pain must see begining and end.
I am rich, for there is no limit to the abundance I may create from my very Self.
I am successful, for I need only think to achieve.
I love and am beloved, for all things are myself and I am all things.

I unite, I fuse, I become one with Universal Subconscious Mind. The mask of vanity and ego I shall never wear again. I perceive the magnificent Dweller at the centre of my consciousness, and I know Him to be my very self.

Time and space, shadow and substance,
what matter these ?
I am God.

from the book, Three Magic Words, by Uell S. Andersen

Rules For Being Human

Rules For Being Human

1. You Will Receive A Body

You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

2. You Will Learn Lessons
You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons - you may like the lesson or think them irrelevant and stupid.

3. There Are No Mistakes, Only Lessons
There is a process of trial and error; experimentation. The 'failed' experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately 'works'.

4. A Lesson Is Repeated Until It Is Learned
A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning Lessons Does Not End.
There is no part of Life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

6. 'There' Is No Better Than 'here'.
When your 'there' has become a 'here', you will simply obtain another 'there' that will again look better than 'here'.

7. Others Are Merely Mirrors Of You.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What You Make Of Your Life Is Up To You.
You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. Your Answers Lie Inside You.
The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need do is look, listen and trust.

10. You Will Forget All This.

11. You Can Remember It Whenever You Want

Author Unknown

Artwork © NW Creations

The Paradoxical Commandments (Do It Anyway)

The Paradoxical Commandments (Do It Anyway)
Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.

Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down
by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.

Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001

The Essense, The Nittus Grittus

 If you are unhappy, be unhappy.
Do not judge yourself for being that way.
It is wonderful to be unhappy, it is God expressing emotion.
Love your unhappiness. It means you are ready for change.
You are ready to go forward, yet you mourn for the old;
you are not ready to let go.
Allow the unhappiness, there is purposefulness in it.

 Remove from your life everything that inhibits you
from being the totality of yourself. That is called "becoming".
Remove from your thoughts all the have to's, should's, must's.
Remove the images you think you must be and just be.

 Embrace your life. Know that you created it.
Love all that you have been, said and done.
Know it was all purposeful.

 Never see anything as a failure.
See everything as an accomplishment.
Love the hurt, the pain, the sorrow.
For what an experience! What a wonderment!
What jewels of wisdom are now in your treasure!

 Be your own teacher, friend, counsel.
Confide in yourself, speak to yourself.

 Seek answers that feel right within your soul.
Your soul knows what the truth is,
and it will tell you through feelings.
Always listen to your feelings. They know ... they know.

 Live, experience, feel. Do not seek to identify yourself.
You will never have a point of understanding from which you
can say, "This is who I am!", for in each expanding moment
of consciousness, of being God, who you are will have
changed into the next moment of being.
To know who you are is to feel what you feel each moment.

 Never do anything, no matter how far you are into it,
if you lose the joy of it and it becomes monotonous and mundane.
Do away with it and do something else that brings happiness.
For perhaps what you needed to learn from it
you have already achieved.
Go wherever you want to go,
Do whatever you want to do,
for as long as you want to.

 Create only for the mere joy of creating.
When you create for you, you will soon find youself living in joy.

 Don't ever strive to have anyone understand you.
If they wish to understand, they will.

 Love everyone. Have compassion for all other entities.
You do not need to go and take care of them.
Love them by allowing them to express however they choose.
That is the greatest thing you can do!
If they are angered or disappointed by your life, love them
by allowing them to be thay way.
Then you have become a great god, a great light!


The Greatest ...

The most satisfying work ... Helping Others
The most endangered species ... Dedicated Leaders
The greatest natural resource ... Our Youth
The greatest shot in the arm ... Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome ... Fear
The most effective sleeping pill ... Peace of Mind
The most crippling failure disease ... Excuses
The most powerful force in life ... Love
The worlds most incredible computer ... The Brain
The worst thing to be without ... Hope
The most powerful relationship tool ... The Tongue
The two most power-filled words ... "I Can"
The most powerful communication ... Prayer
The greatest asset ... Faith
The most worthless emotion ... Self-pity
The most prized possession ... Self-esteem
The most contagious spirit ... Enthusiasm
The most beautiful attire ... SMILE

Promise Yourself

Promise yourself
to be so strong
that nothing can
disturb your
peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness
and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends
feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and expect only the best.

To be enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to
greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticise others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger,
too strong for fear and too happy
to permit the presence of trouble.

Christian D Larson
"Your Forces and How to Use Them" 1912

Secrets Of Prosperity

Secrets Of Prosperity

  1. Contentment; not a bank account.

  2. Happiness; for a determination simply to be happy attracts prosperity. Happiness is, at the same time, the best definition of prosperity.

  3. Generosity; for by sharing with others the good that life gives us we can open up the well-springs of abundance.

  4. Including the good of all in your own quest for abundance.

  5. Recognition of the part you play in the great Symphony of Life. For Life will sustain you, if you attune yourself to its harmonics.

  6. Working with, not against, life's changing rhythms.

  7. Looking behind the obstacles you face in life, to the opportunities they represent.

  8. Seeing failure as a corrective, not as a misfortune.

  9. To diversify, not your financial investments merely, as monetary counsellors recommend, but more importantly - your investments of energy. Cultivate fresh ideas, fresh interests, fresh relationships, fresh reasons for enjoying your life.

  10. Faith; in yourself, in others, in Life's abundance.

  11. To break the hypnosis of self-limitation. The heights that any person has attained can be attained again by others - by anyone, each in his or her own way - given enough time, dedication and focused energy.

  12. Not to fritter energy away with trivial desires. A leaking tap, drop by drop, wastes many litres.

  13. Finding pleasure in simplicity.

  14. Holding positive expectations, supported by a dynamic will.

  15. Recognising that people can be your best investment. Be a true friend to all.

  16. Realising that what you own is held by you in trust. Treat it responsibly. If you squander it, the trust will pass to another.

  17. Finding strength in yourself. Don't wait for passing waves to propel you forward.

  18. Realising that one cannot truly prosper by the diminshment of others. Bless everyone. An expansion of self-identity is a mark of prosperity, and also a condition for its attainment.

  19. Extending a willing hand to the needy, helping them, above all, to help themselves.

  20. Common sense; don't depend on luck, but on a realistic assessment of whatever situation you face. Only in practical stages can you transform 'improbables' into realities.

  21. To remember - the higher the mountain, the harder the effort needed to conquer it. Success is not for the weak-hearted, It is for those who never rest until they attain their ideals.

  22. The willingness to sacrifice non-essentials for essentials.

  23. To live in the present - not in past attainment, nor in future victories.

  24. The patience to adjust action to reality. In every setback, try to understand what life is trying to teach you.

  25. Envying no-one. View others' successes and failures empathically, as your own.

  26. Inventiveness; success in any field demands the creative outlook of an artist.

  27. To feed it daily with fresh, new ideas - lest, like a still pond, it stagnates.

by J Donald Walters (Swami Kriyananda)
from the book, "Secrets Of Prosperity"
published by Crystal Clarity Publishers
re-printed here with permission

Promise yourself

Promise yourself
to be so strong
that nothing can
disturb your
peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness
and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends
feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and expect only the best.

To be enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to
greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticise others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger,
too strong for fear and too happy
to permit the presence of trouble.

Christian D Larson
"Your Forces and How to Use Them" 1912

Be A Winner

Be A Winner

  The Winner is always part of the answer
The Loser is always part of the problem

The Winner always has a program
The Loser always has an excuse

The Winner says "Let me do it for you"
The Loser says "That's not my job"

The Winner sees an answer for every problem
The Loser sees a problem for every answer

The Winner sees a green near every sand trap
The Loser sees two or three sand traps near every green

The Winner says "It may be difficult but it's possible"
The Loser says "It may be possible but it's too difficult"

Friday, December 25, 2009



Relationships - of all kinds - are like sand held in your hand.
Held loosely with an open hand,
the sand remains where it is.

The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on,
the sand trickles through your fingers.
You may hold on to some of it, but most will be spilled.

A relationship is like that.
Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person,
it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively,
and the relationship slips away and is lost.

Author Unknown

Artwork © Lee Bogle

Please Listen

When I ask you to listen to me
and you start giving me advice,
 you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me
and you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way,
you are trampling on my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me
and you feel you have to do something
to solve my problem,
you have failed me, strange as that may seem.

All I ask is that you listen.
Don't talk or do - just hear me.
Advice is cheap - 20 cents will get you both
Dear Abby and Billy Graham in the same newspaper.
And I can do for myself; I am not helpless.
Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless.

When you do something for me that I can
and need to do for myself,
you contribute to my fear and inadequacy.
But when you accept as a simple fact
that I feel what I feel, no matter how irrational,
then I can stop trying to convince you
and get about this business of understanding
what's behind this irrational feeling.
And when that's clear, the answers are obvious
and I don't need advice.
Irrational feelings make sense
when we understand what's behind them.

Perhaps that's why prayer works - sometimes -
for some people, because God is mute.
and he doesn't give advice or try to fix things.
God just listens and lets you work it out for yourself.

 So please listen, and just hear me.
And if you want to talk,
wait a minute for your turn,
and I will listen to you.

Author Unknown

Paint Brush

I keep my paint brush with me
wherever I may go,
in case I need to cover up,
So the real me doesn't show.

I'm so afraid to show you me,
afraid of what you'll do,
that you may laugh or say mean things,
I'm afraid I might lose you.

I'd like to remove all my paint coats
to show you the real, true me,
But I want you to try and understand,
I need you to accept what you see.

So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll strip off all my coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
to let the real me show.

Now my coats are all stripped off,
I feel naked, bare and cold.
And if you still love me with all that you see,
 you are my friend, pure as gold.

I need to save my paint brush, though,
and hold it in my hand.
I want to keep it handy
in case somebody doesn't understand.

So please protect me, my dear friend
and thanks for loving me true.
But please let me keep my paint brush with me
Until I love me, too.

Bettie B Young

Artwork © Jim Warren

A Credo For My Relationships With Others

A Credo For My Relationships With Others
Dr. Thomas Gordon

You and I are in a relationship, which I value and want to keep. Yet each of us is a separate person with unique needs and the right to meet those needs.

When you are having problems meeting your needs I will listen with genuine acceptance so as to facilitate your finding your own solutions instead of depending on mine. I also will respect your right to choose your own beliefs and develop your own values, different though they may be from mine.

However, when your behavior interferes with what I must do to get my own needs met, I will tell you openly and honestly how your behavior affects me, trusting that you respect my needs and feelings enough to try to change the behavior that is unacceptable to me. Also, whenever some behavior of mine is unacceptable to you, I hope you will tell me openly and honestly so I can change my behavior.

At those times when one of us cannot change to meet the other's needs, let us acknowledge that we have a conflict and commit ourselves to resolve each such conflict without either of us resorting to the use of power to win at the expense of the other's losing. I respect your needs, but I also must respect my own. So let us always strive to search for a solution that will be acceptable to both of us. Your needs will be met, and so will mine - neither will lose, both will win.

In this way, you can continue to develop as a person through satisfying your needs, and so can I. Thus, ours can be a healthy relationship in which both of us can strive to become what we are capable of being. And we can continue to relate to each other with mutual respect, love and peace.

Dr. Thomas Gordon
©1972, 1978, 1997 Gordon Training International
please visit
reprinted here with permission

Let Go

To 'let go' does not mean to stop caring;
it means I can't do it for someone else.

To 'let go' is not to cut myself off;
it is the realisation that
I must not control another.

To 'let go' is not to fix;
but to be supportive.

To 'let go' is not to be in the middle
arranging all the outcomes;
but to allow others to effect their destinies.

To 'let go' is not to be protective;
it is to permit another to face reality.

To 'let go' is not to regret the past;
but to grow and live for the future.

To 'let go' is to fear less
and love more.

Author Unknown

The Universe - How You Create Your Reality -

The Universe
- How You Create Your Reality -

The universe supports the reality of your beliefs absolutely.

When you believe
you must struggle for abundance,
then it will bring about situations that are
conducive to struggle; when you believe you cannot
experience love without pain, the universe will give you exactly
that - love with pain; when you believe it takes time for an illness
to heal - then so it will. There is not a single force opposing you,
there is only ONE force supporting you absolutely. It is called
LOVE, the force that birthed you, that created you in its
own image. This love is so magnanimous it will give
you exactly and absolutely whatever it is
that your reality entails.

Change your beliefs and you change your reality.

The Power Of One

The Power Of One

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
You see, IT'S UP TO YOU!

~ Author Unknown~

Inner Peace Philosophy (How Deliberate Creators Propogate Peace)

 1. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
you feel guided to take your focus off the external world. Deliberate Creators know that we are, at all moments, creating our future. Some of us are doing this creating 'deliberately' while others, by getting caught up in the swirl of events that surround us, are doing this creation 'by default'.

Which do you choose: to create deliberately or by default?

 2. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
in relationship with others, you strive to bring the focus to areas of harmony and agreement instead of conflict and discord. Deliberate Creators appreciate that what we resist, persists, and therefore make thoughtful determinations of where attention should be placed.

Which relationships in your life could benefit from a short time spent focusing on areas of agreement?

 3. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
you let go of the idea that you can only feel peaceful when everything around you is going a certain way and instead, recognize that you have the power within you to choose to experience peace.

Who (or what) have you allowed to destroy your sense of peace - and how can you reclaim it?

 4. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
you notice that, when someone 'pushes your buttons', instead of expending your energy trying to get the other person to change, you search inside yourself and ask, 'what happened inside me that led me to react that way to you?' Whenever we feel a painful emotion (anger, resentment, jealousy, fear, depression, desire for vengeance, grief) this simply means that someone has activated one of our wounds and a powerful opportunity for healing lies right in front of us.

The next time you find that your 'buttons' have been pushed, where will you focus your attention -- inward or outward?

 5. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
you find yourself put off by anti-war demonstrations and the notion of judging and condemning the players in a dispute. Deliberate Creators understand that we cannot be engaged in a battle and be a source for peace at the same time.

Where are you investing your energy -- in a battle against war or in a commitment to peace?

 6. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
you find yourself focusing on what you are wanting instead of what you are not wanting. Deliberate Creators recognize that what we focus on expands and they give careful thought as to what they want to have expand in their lives.

What in the world would you like to see expand?

 7. You'll know that you are Deliberately Creating Peace when...
instead of praying for an outside force to bring peace to others, you commit to being one who radiates peace from within.

Are you ready to become a source of Peace?

Author Elyse Hope Killoran
Prosperity From The Inside Out